Employee Smart Badge System

Bilingual Weekly Safety Meeting Topics
When it comes to workplace safety, there is no better time to promote new ideas or reinforce safe working habits than in a safety meeting. However, we often see companies asking how to make their safety meetings more effective. It’s important that owners, managers and employees don’t think of safety meetings as a waste of time. By providing relevant safety topics each week, you can ensure all your safety meetings moving forward are a success!
Your annual subscription is going to give you everything you need to have successful safety meetings with your team.

2022 Labor Law Posters
Labor law posters are the mandated state and federal employment law notices that employers with at least one employee or more are required to conspicuously post in an area frequented by all employees. Failure to display the correct state and federal employment law notices can result in penalties, fines and lawsuits. Labor law posters should be "conspicuously" displayed in area that is frequented by all employees on a regular basis. Examples of such locations include: designated bulletin boards in the break room, above time clocks, in the employee lounge, in a cafeteria or a lunch room.

Drug Testing Programs
Safety & Risk Advisors can assist any size organization in setting up their own low cost, in-house, drug testing program at their workplace or worksites and provide company training at no additional cost plus a free MRO to review positive results. We have 5, 10 and 12 panel test kits available.

Background Screening and Motor Vehicle Reports (MVR)
Safety & Risk Advisors will assist your human resource department setting up our online reporting portal to conduct internal county and national criminal background checks (include sex offender and domestic watch), and also motor vehicle reports (MVR).

Safety Products
Safety & Risk Advisors currently works with several safety suppliers to review current pricing on safety products including hard hats, safety vests, gloves, safety glasses and other products to provide substantial cost savings for our clients.